About Us

Contact us at:  NateJohnson@kw.com
Certified Home Rescue Expert 
Short Sale & Loss Mitigation Specialist.
Licensed in VA & MD

12:45 Team

The 12:45 Team is a young and aggressive real estate team that can service all your real estate needs. We focus on changing lives one home at a time with our team approach.

We specialize in handling Short Sale transactions and helping people avoid foreclosure. We also work with many equity Sellers and home Buyers.

What does 12:45 Team stand for?

12:45 Team is a unique name for our real estate team. The name is derived from the scripture verse Romans 12:4-5.  This scripture reads....

"For just as each of us has one body with many parts, and these parts do not have all the same function.  As in Christ, we, though many, form one body, and each part belongs to the other."

To us this scripture illustrates teamwork and everyone's role on the team. Our team's focus is to meet and exceed your expectations with you as the most valuable player.